Friday, January 25, 2008

Dell XPS One - Product Red

After reading Walter Mossberg's review of the Dell XPS One, I became intrigued. Dell announced this week that they are now accepting order for a Product Red version of the XPS One. Microsoft even created a special version of Vista to go along with the machine.

I have been looking for a new Vista machine. This may just be the one.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Blu-Ray vs. HD DVD

My what a difference a few months make. Six months ago, no one would have bet that Blu-Ray would win the HD content war. Think about Sony's history. Betamax, memory stick, etc. The truth is, HD content has not sold well at all compared to regular DVD because everyone has been sitting on the sidelines to see how the HD content war played out. For most of 2997, it seemed like HD DVD would win. Then came CES 2008. Media production companies were switching to Blu-Ray in droves. In fact, there are only two studios left producing HD DVD disks. The nail in the HD DVD coffin was Microsoft announcing that they were switching to Blu-Ray.

It looks like Sony won! Now I can go out and buy a Blu-Ray player.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Are Vista's Days Numbered?

According to Engadget, we may see the replacement for Vista as early as 2009. The new rumored OS 7, is said to be much more stable than Vista. Given that Vista was 5 years late and arguably the the worst operating system launch in history, I would not bet on it.

Cincinnati Rated Very Affordable

Forbes Magazine rated Cincinnati as one of the most affordable places in the country to live. I must say that I do LOVE Cincinnati!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Macbook Air

You have to hand it to Apple, they make some of the coolest computers in the world. Yesterday they released the Macbook Air. It is thinner, lighter, and prettier than the little Sony's. This one will do well!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

MacWorld 2008

Apple continues to dazzle and amaze everyone with it's products. This years Macworld was no different. Apple introduced what may very well be the smallest full-function laptop made.

Steve Jobs keynote address was his last. Word is that he is retiring. We will see how long that lasts.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bill Gates Last Day at Work

This You Tube video about Bill Gates last day at work is absolutely hilarious! What is amazing is the number of celebrities that appear in the video. Perhaps Mr. Gates has a sense of humor after all.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Leaving Hawaii

What a great week in Hawaii! The weather was perfect in Waikoloa. The annual HICSS conference was a huge success. The highlight of the week was the Manta Ray night diving. The coolest thing was a manta ray coming out of the dark and swimming within inches of us. It slowed to check us out as he went by. That is something that I will never forget!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Postcard Moment - Waikoloa 2008

Of all the photos that I have ever taken in Hawaii, this is my favorite. I was just playing around after sunset and got this one. It was taken from the balcony of my room.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Waikoloa Sunset - Jan 7, 2008

What a great sunset this evening in Waikoloa Hawaii!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Manta Ray Diving - Kona Hawaii

Emily and I went Manta Ray diving last night in Kona. It may be the coolest thing that I have ever seen. It is like something from Aliens. There are Manta Ray videos from this same dive site on You Tube. They come in at night to eat the plankton. I can't imagine a dive ever being cooler than this!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Everyone Loves Starbucks!

It is true, everyone does love Starbucks! I was rather star struck this morning when I ran into Michael Dell in the Starbucks - Waikoloa Village. When I told Emily who it was she thought that I was crazy, until his friend called him by name.

It turns out that Mr. Dell was in town training for the annual Ironman competition held in Kona every year.

I wonder if I will ever stop telling this story? Not likely!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hawaii - The Big Island

Emily and I are on the Big Island of Hawaii for a week. I am here running part of the annual HICSS Conference and Emily is working on her tan.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Blade Runner

For the sci-fi fans, one of the best movies ever made was Blade Runner. It was finally released on DVD. This movie was made 25 years ago. Ridley Scott finally cut the version of the film that he had originally envisioned - The Final Cut. For many, however, the best version is still the theatrical version. While this debate will go on, the movie is certainly a classic!

The Apple Aura

When it comes to the computer experience, no company does what Apple does! The Apple Aura is all about customer service. No other electronics company is able to pull this off. Not even the Sony stores.

Is it any wonder that Apple's stock went up 135% in 2007 alone?

Juniper Research describes Apple as the Nordstrom's of technology. The three Apple stores in Manhattan now seem to be on the 'must see' list of foreign travelers. Can you imagine a company like Dell being able to pull this off? I didn't think so.