People ask me on a daily basic why I am a Google fanatic. I love Google! I love everything about Google. Why you might ask - because it works. If Google makes it, I probably use it. I even moved my domain to Google Apps. In fact, Google could charge me a lot more for their services and I would still use them.
So, why is this a big deal? Anyone who has used Microsoft products for any length of time knows exactly what I am talking about. We are tired of products that are not ready for prime time until the first service pack is released. Products that are often broken.
I am not alone.
People are moving their digital lives to Google. The FAA is even moving their operation to Google Apps. Their
CIO has expressed that one of his goals is to be a Microsoft free shop within the next five years.
Some people call me a 'Google Evangelist.' Thanks for the compliment :-)